Akbar (akbar.anugrah@tokopedia.com)
Erhem (erhem@tokopedia.com)
Imi (imi@tokopedia.com)
Timot (Timot@tokopedia.com)
Veronica (veronica@tokopedia.com)
Scrum is an Agile framework for completing complex projects. Scrum originally was formalized for software development projects, but it works well for any complex, innovative scope of work. The possibilities are endless. The Scrum framework is deceptively simple. For more info please kindly check https://www.scrum.org
In the process of developing the website, the team used scrum as a methodology to manage the development process. We used Scrum planning, Scrum Board, QA, and retrospective to improve our process further. The results are:
• Defining and elaborating on requirements just in time so that knowledge of product features is as relevant as possible
• Incorporating daily testing and product owner feedback into the development process, allowing the development team to address issues while they’re fresh
• Regular and continuous improvement of scrum team output (product or service) through sprint reviews with stakeholders
• Conducting sprint retrospectives, allowing the scrum team to continuously improve such team-specific factors as processes, tools, relationships, and work environments
• Completing work using the definition of done that addresses development, testing, integration, and documentation